Travel & Geography Toys

One of the best things a person can do, if they’re able, is to sign up for a passport and fly off the continent they’re from and see the world. The world is a massive, diverse, wondrous place filled with experiences and moments just waiting to be a part of your own life. Travel shows and travel writers do their best to capture all of this culture, and food, and customs, and people, but there’s really nothing like heading out into the world and seeing it all firsthand.
That lifelong passion and love of Travel starts early! When we’re young, most of our ideas about far-off places are forged from watching TV and Movies, but of course, there’s school, and work, and much more to get in the way from traveling. But don’t worry; it’s very easy to instill that love of geography and appreciation of culture in all ages with our Travel & Geography Toys!
If your child is just learning about world cultures and they’re totally fascinated, the next stop should be our costumes! We have many exclusive costumes that celebrate the diversity in our world and their cultural history that many kids will be excited to participate in. Have they just learned about the Scottish bagpipes at the local Scotland festival? Have they just heard about the near silent Royal Guards of England and said, “Now THAT’s a hat!” We can’t wait to hear about them guarding the door to their room in such a regal getup.
One truly inspired way to help kids learn about geography is through games and puzzles. We have a huge selection of both. Whether it’s a board game like Ticket to Ride, or perhaps a puzzle that depicts the world map, there’s a ton of fun to be had playing together with these Travel toys. We even have a variety of fun 3D puzzles that create miniature models of famous landmarks and cityscapes around the world. They can keep them built and displayed in their room as they dream of one day seeing these incredible sights.
For the even older crowd, Metal Earth model sets are unique and highly detailed kits that you build yourself. They recreate miniature replicas of famous places and objects in history, and we’re sure any crafty teen or adult would absolutely love putting them together and displaying them in their home. Don’t be surprised if they get a little addicted and wind up with the entire product line someday! Not only are they fun to build, but they’re beautiful, too.
These are just a few of the ideas we came up with to help inspire you and everyone you know to fall in love with travel, and seeing what the world has to offer. While we can’t always drop everything and cruise around the world for a couple years (how nice would that be?) that doesn’t mean our appreciation for distant cultures and icons should be dormant. So, whether you’re shopping for the frequent flier in your life or perhaps a young geographer who is still learning their states, you can’t go wrong with the Travel toys available right here at!