Inflatable Costumes

Whoever thought about the idea of blowing up a costume? Think about it. Costumes are already great in and of themselves. They look fantastic and transform you into whoever you want to be for that day (or week, or month—we don't judge). They also allow you the opportunity to do things with costumes that are generally out of the norm. Have you ever tried blowing air into a standard outfit? It never works well. If you want something a little different yourself for the holidays (or any day, really), check out our Inflatable Costumes.
Have you ever hopped out the back door of your house, wearing a cowboy hat with matching boots? All while riding the back of a raptor with enough control to impress Dr. Grant and Ian Malcolm? Well, if you haven't (or didn't think this was possible), you indeed can now with one of our Inflatable Costumes. Our dinosaur ride-on costumes feature all sorts of incredible creatures from the Cretaceous period. Check out our Inflatable Costumes, so you can tame the beast of your choice and have a hilarious time doing so.
Speaking of our dinosaurs, we have plenty of other dino buddies we are sure you'll love and recognize. If you have a few bonus points, try leveling up your inflatable dino costume into a dragon costume. That would be the lizard hierarchy if you didn't know. It goes to dinosaurs, dragons, super dragons, Godzilla, and finally, Godzilla if he could fly. We'll see what we can do about a few of those costume options and get back to you. In the meantime, check out our wide selection of Inflatable Costumes.
We know we've been hyping our Inflatable Costumes up, but it's for a good reason. Fans can emulate any character with a good costume, but some characters are born with Inflatable Costume designs in mind. A good example is Kirby's puffy and huggable body, perfect when pumped full of air. Just don't try to float in the costume. Seriously, Kirby has powers; you do not. Kirby's abilities would be pretty neat to have, hmm. Alright, sorry, let's move on.
Oh, and speaking of puffy, we have a puffer fish costume that will surely blow your mind. Get it? Because of the inflatable thing. Bad joke, sorry. Get a breath of fresh air and come back. Get it? Because air inflates. Okay, that was the last one. If you want to prevent more jokes, pick up an Inflatable Costume. Call it a win-win.
So, we could list costume after costume, but we are sure you have things to do this month. We try our best to ensure that you have a varied selection of Inflatable Costumes, whether you are into unicorns or sumo. If you want to be full of hot air this Halloween (in the best way possible), check out these Inflatable Costumes.