Family Christmas Stockings
We've all heard of decking the halls, but what does that entail, exactly? Well, if you're celebrating Christmas, you can go as far as you want and stay within the parameters of sanity. Cut out paper snowflakes and tape them to every window in your home, so you can have a white Christmas even if you're living in balmy Florida. You can hang Christmas lights inside and out. Get out your collection of snow globes and model trains. Set up a Christmas tree. But one of our favorite parts is something the Night Before Christmas mentions specifically: hanging the stockings with care.
Whether you have a fireplace with a chimney or you're living in an efficiency apartment, there's always room for a stocking hung with care. There may not be a place for the tree and you may not have enough outlets to make hanging lights enjoyable or safe, but there's always a place to hang a stocking for ol' Saint Nick. Are you ready to find the perfect Christmas stocking for you and yours? Read on to discover different themes, styles, and ways to display your Christmas stocking. Turns out, decking the halls is for everyone.
Everyone in the family deserves a stocking. This tradition isn't just for the kids! Even the adults that may have the inside scoop on what Saint Nick is delivering deserve to get a few treats in their stockings. You can make it clear who's stocking is who's when you pick out a special stocking for each member of the family. That way, you know that Saint Nick will put the right presents in the right stockings, and kids who can't read yet will know which is theirs. Plus, it's always delightful to see the kids hang their own stocking up each year! Want to pick out your stockings for the whole family? We have a few choice tips and selections below!
Kids' Christmas Stockings

Before choosing a stocking for your kids, consider balancing your child's interests with how often you'll want to replace your child's Christmas stocking. Some people get new stockings every year or for every phase of life. If this is the case, choose stockings that are right up your kiddo's alley. Many littles will like stockings like a Shimmer and Shine or PJ Masks stocking. On the other end of the age spectrum, tweens and teens might enjoy a Rick & Morty or an ironic Bob Ross stocking.
Then again, some people want to purchase one stocking for their children that they'll be able to turn to year after year for Christmas joy. If that's the case, choosing a classic theme like Mickey Mouse, general winter holiday prints, or even Christmas motifs might be the right move for you.
Christmas Stockings for Adults

Can we talk about the importance of having your own stocking as an adult? You might be celebrating Christmas away from family for the first time ever. You might be living that dual-income, no-kids life. Or perhaps you're the parent of three crazy kiddos. Whatever your circumstance might be, you deserve to hang a little Christmas magic on your mantel or your windowsill (or whatever works for you, see "how to hang stockings without a mantel"). What's wrong with filling your stocking with sweets, puzzles, and little gifts to yourself to open on Christmas Day? This might be controversial, but sometimes the stocking stuffers are the best Christmas gift of the year. Let's hear it for socks! The best part, now that you're an adult, you get to pick your own stocking. Choose a classic, velvet stocking. Choose a stocking that fits your Hogwarts Christmas daydreams. Whatever you choose, adults get to have Christmas stocking fun too!
Dog Christmas Stockings

Have you got a good boy in your house? Saint Nick brings treats to all the good boys and girls, even if they're four-legged and furry. Filling a stocking for your pooch can be quite a delight. Choose a stocking that lets everyone know that this stocking is for the dogs. For instance, the Snoopy stocking would be the perfect way to hide away bones and toys before Christmas Day!
Pop-Culture Inspired Christmas Stockings
Why shouldn't your Christmas décor be culturally relevant? We love pop culture here! From classic Harry Potter motifs to Star Wars, we've got themes for every fandom. The best part of choosing a pop culture-themed Christmas stocking is that you can easily theme the rest of your stocking stuffers around the theme. The Bob Ross Joy of Painting Stocking can be filled with paintbrushes, a few tubes of paint, and the hilarious Bob Ross heat reveal mug. Christmas gifting is always more fun with a theme!
Star Wars Christmas Stockings

Speaking of theming gifts, Star Wars is an excellent theme for any gift-giving. Since there are plenty of little Star Wars gifts to fill stockings for people of all ages, you could get a Star Wars stocking for everyone in the family. And you could still fill each one of them with little unique stocking-sized Star Wars gifts! Baby Yoda keychain for a teen, Darth Vader playing cards for the youngest, Mandalorian Rebel Alliance earrings for mom, and a Chewie Pop Vinyl for dad. Sometimes a theme can really bring a family together. Check out the rest of the pop culture Christmas stocking themes below!
Disney Christmas Stockings

There's nothing like a Disney family! You know who you are. You are yours talk in Disney quotes and sing Disney songs when there's need for a lullaby or pick me up. Disney works its way into your wardrobe, décor, and, yes, travel plans. If you're a Disney family, working the magical kingdom into your Christmas decorations is a given. You can represent each one of your family members with a unique Disney stocking for each person. Do you want a classic look that'll look just right hanging on an old-fashioned fireplace? Choose embroidered stockings or knit stockings that feature timeless characters like Mickey Mouse. Disney themes such as Lion King and princess stockings will delight family members of all ages!
Superhero Christmas Stockings

Everyone in the family has their own superhero persona. You always know a Spiderman kid when you see them. They're climbing up furniture and trying parkour moves in the park. A natural Wonder Woman character proudly stands for truth, justice, and helping others. And Batman, well, a Batman fan is always a classy dude. Hang up superhero stockings to create a dynamic, action-packed stocking display for your Christmas celebration!
How to Hang Christmas Stockings
The classic place to hang a stocking is from the fireplace mantel, although that's not the only option! We'll add a few alternatives to the mantel in the sections below but for now, let's focus on the fireplace.
If you have a shallow mantel place that doesn't have a surface for a stocking holder, put a few heavy-duty command strip hooks to use. You might be thinking that a bulky plastic hook is not very festive. However, if you loop Christmas garlands around the mantel, you can hide the utilitarian hooks with ease!
People that want to make their mantel a focal point through the year might consider installing small mug hooks along the underside of a deeper mantel. These can be used to hang stockings as well as a pretty string of lights or ornament accents. And when Christmas is over, the hooks can be used for 4th of July bunting, Halloween spiderwebs, and birthday displays. Talk about a solution that goes above and beyond!
Using a Christmas Stocking Holder

Some items are staples for a reason. The Christmas stocking holder can be used anywhere there is an edge. Holders can be used on shelves, up the sides of a staircase, and of course, on a fireplace mantel. Simply slip the loop over the hook attached to the holder and you can create your perfect Christmas display. As mentioned in the previous section, using a holder rather than a command strip has a few perks. For instance, since holders aren't stuck to the surface, they won't leave any residue behind. After the stockings are hung, they can be moved in a moment to make the placement look just right. And most exciting, you can match the stocking holder to the stocking! What better way to carry on the theme?
Where to Hang Stockings in a Small Apartment

Say you live in an efficiency apartment or a dorm room. That doesn't mean you can't participate in this holiday tradition. Stockings don't require shelves or fireplaces or even nails in the wall. Attach wall-safe hooks to a focal point, such as above the table in your entry space or eating area.
You could also use any space that could be used for hanging. If you have a coat closet and a hanger, for example, you can use just one for coats during the holiday season and use your coat hanger near the door to hang your stockings. You can also use bed frames with posts or an iron frame, window sills and frames, and even the knobs of your clothing closet. Just get creative and look around your home for the right spot.
Speaking of getting creative, if you're feeling crafty and are allowed to use nails on your walls, you might like the idea of creating a Christmas branch. This can be done by finding a pretty yet sturdy branch in the woods, attaching loops of twine along it, and hanging it against the wall. Use the loops of twine to attach the stockings. A woodsy and cozy way to display stockings, every apartment has room for a little Christmas charm!
How to Hang Stockings Without a Mantle

Creating a display without the crackling fireplace can be just as Christmassy! Do you have a different area in your living room that's a bit of a focal point? A bookshelf can be the perfect spot to create a display. Consider devoting a whole shelf to festivities. This is where you can showcase your snow globes, mini-Christmas trees, and accent lights. Use command strips or stocking holders, just as you would with a mantel.
You can also create a display on your staircase. For example, you could place a stocking holder on the outside of the banister where it's relatively safe. You can also hang the stockings on the banister with festive ribbons, allowing space for each person in your family to peek into the stocking.
What to Put in Christmas Stockings?

Well, we can probably all agree that this is the best part of the Christmas stocking tradition. Now that we've moved on from oranges and coal, we can get a little more creative. Different families have different traditions. Some grandparents gift puzzles and coloring books to keep kids occupied on the way home from their holiday visits.
You can also choose a theme for all of the stockings. Picking out matching slippers for the whole family is an adorable and cozy gift for everyone. They pair perfectly with packs of hot cocoa, a mug, and a few sweets to set the right tone for a cuddly Christmas Day.