Egyptian Costumes

It is time for the adventure of a lifetime. Push open that ancient stone slab as you move through the pyramids from a time long ago. Delve into the mysterious depths! But, what will you see? Will there be cursed mummies? Treasure!? Traps, hidden doorways, and maybe even that archeology teacher and his missing hat?
When you wear our Ancient Egyptian costumes, you'll be able to bring all the fun of ancient mythology and the amazing world of the Pharaohs and pyramids to life. Browse through our collection to find the look that makes you shine like the sun god, Ra!
To give you a little hint at what we have in store for you, we can turn to the most famous of all Egyptians: the Queen, Cleopatra. Now, there's a lot to know about this lady. She was the very final rule of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. That started with the end of Alexandar the Great and the claiming of the great Greek city. Cleopatra had some pretty solid connections with the infamous Julius Caesar, reportedly had a near-magical connection with serpents, and seemed to be chosen by the very gods thanks to her unending beauty. That's a whole lot of famous names and amazing power all wrapped around the finger of one woman! No wonder we can't get enough of her even 2000 years later! Try out a Cleopatra costume and feel the weight of the country on your shoulders. (Or is that just all of the gold and gems!?)
If that lifestyle sounds a little too complex, you can also just enjoy the profound rulership of even older times when you dress up in a Pharaoh costume. These glorious kings and queens of Egypt decked themselves out in fine clothing and elaborate headpieces. All the while, they were chosen by the gods to guide the people. Upon their deaths, they'd entomb themselves in the glorious pyramids, along with all their treasure. Of course, you know what happens when anyone disturbs ancient treasuries.
You guessed it: Mummies! The original mummies were just a careful practice of preserving the bodies of the honored dead. They'd use more salt than you'd find on a ton of your local fast food's french fries and wrap them up with strips of cloth. So long as they were left alone, it would be a peaceful slumber for eternity. But, when those aforementioned "explorers" came and muddled things up, it was time to unleash the full curse! Dress up in a Mummy costume if you'd like to terrify the locals with your zombie-like look but still have some pretty amazing supernatural powers.
And, of course, we can't talk about Ancient Egyptian costumes without talking about the gods, themselves! From Isis and Bastet to the guardian of the dead, Anubis, we have Egyptian god and goddess costumes that will have you feeling like you have all the power of the cosmos. (Or, at least, you'll look pretty amazing.) Enjoy the gleaming gold of the drapes and show off your shining headpiece with our Egyptian costumes. After all, who wants to just fit in at the toga party when you could rule it instead!?