Chia Pets

Who would have thought terracotta figures that grow fuzzy green “hair” would be a hit gift? Apparently, Joe Pedott. And we can all thank him for taking the chance because Chia Pets have been a familiar and smile-inducing product since he helped them make the scene in 1977.
From the earworm jingle of “Ch-ch-ch-chia!” to the modern-day characters that have joined the lineup, there’s plenty to love about Chia Pets. But maybe you’re new to the phenomenon? Take a walk with us down memory lane and learn why these retro decorations continue to be a staple in households everywhere.
Much like a rock, Chia Pets make excellent low-maintenance companions. These figurines are sculpted from terracotta and let you “adopt” even the wildest animals and characters to be members of the family. All they need is water and a good meal of chia seeds to thrive. Well, and a good read of the instructions. And when you shop our selection, you get to decide if even the likes of Donald Trump or Deadpool make lovable pets.
Amateur hairstylists and gardeners alike can find common ground with Chia Pets as well! After watering the included chia seeds, a healthy growth of “hair” sprouts for you to groom and prune however you see fit. Maybe Predator needs a green mane to make him stand out from—or is it blend in with?—his surroundings. See if Morty, of Rick and Morty fame, can handle hair as alien as his adventures with his grandpa. Or practice a little wax on, wax off action with the help of Mr. Miyagi and his own youthful green hair.
With a history already decades-long, Chia Pets definitely seem to be here to stay. Even The New York Times seems to agree—they included a Chia Pet in a time capsule that won’t be opened until the year 3000. We, for one, can’t wait to see what the future thinks of the odd but charming item or what time has done for the pet’s “hair.” Curious as well? Add one to your home décor today! It may only be with you for now, but the memories are sure to last a lifetime, and you won’t have to wait several hundreds of years to enjoy the nostalgic collector’s item.
Chia Pets are only advertised during the holiday season, so it’s easy to see why they may lose your attention. But when the jingle plays out of nowhere and you’re reminded of visits to your grandma’s where you’d stare longingly at her Chia Pets or weekends spent nurturing your own, we’ll be right here to ensure you can bring that fun home again!