The Most Underrated Disney Characters
Published on June 5, 2023

The Most Underrated Disney Characters

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Disney movies have been beloved for generations, and they're sure to continue for years to come! They have given us some of pop culture's greatest heroes and villains, including the iconic Scar, Donald Duck, Ursula, Mickey Mouse, and many, many more. However, so many supporting characters end up getting overlooked. Would 101 Dalmatians have ended differently without the aid of the country animals? What if Evinrude wasn't there to help Bianca and Bernard navigate the swamp? We'll share some of our favorite underrated Disney characters who you may have forgotten, and why they're fantastic!


1. Grumpy Dwarf - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Grumpy Dwarf

[Source: Walt Disney Productions]

His attitude may give him a bad rap, but hidden beneath his stern demeanor is a heart of gold. Dopey may outshine Grumpy with his silly antics, but we know a true hero when we see one! Grumpy gave solid advice to Snow White when he told her not to open the door to strangers. (They did, after all, know that the Evil Queen wanted Snow White dead.) He did his best not to give in to Snow White's charm, but she still managed to win him over. In the end, after being alerted by the woodland creatures and finding the Evil Queen at their cottage, Grumpy leads the charge against her! While we might expect this behavior from Doc, the apparent lead dwarf, it is apparent that Grumpy will fight for his friends no matter the odds.


2. Prince Phillip - Sleeping Beauty

Prince Phillip

[Source: Walt Disney Productions]

Arguably one of the most underrated Disney Princes, there's more to Prince Phillip than kissing Sleeping Beauty. Before he even knew that Aurora was a princess, Philip saw her dressed as a peasant girl. Instead of thinking poorly of her because she appeared to be of a lower class, he was charmed by her and began to fall in love. He even went so far as to persuade his father, the king, to allow him to marry outside of royalty, even though a bride had been chosen for him. When all seems grim, Princess Aurora's fairy godmothers approached him for help against Maleficent, giving him a magical shield and sword. The odds seem entirely stacked against him as Maleficent is a sorceress powerful enough to turn into a fire-breathing dragon! Still, Prince Phillip slashes through a town full of brambles, confronts Maleficent, and manages to slay her as a dragon. Immediately after defeating her, his first order of business is checking on Princess Aurora. If that's not pure dedication, we don't know how else to define it!


3. Towser, Lucy, Colonel, Captain, and Sergeant Tibbs - One Hundred and One DalmatiansColonel, Captain, and Sergeant Tibbs

[Source: Walt Disney Productions]

These dogs, a cat, a goose, and a horse operate as part of a network of domesticated animal crime-stoppers. They use the Twilight Bark to alert the city about offenses against other animals. They live in the countryside outside of London, but are the keys to unlocking the mystery of the missing puppies. Without their information, Pongo and Perdita would never have found out where their puppies were taken by Cruella, and our story would have a much different ending!


4. Lady Kluck - Robin Hood

Lady Kluk

[Source: Walt Disney Productions]

Wanting only the best for Maid Marian, Lady Kluck has only her best interest at heart. She's athletic, feisty, silly, and also great with kids! (The complete package, if you will.) Instead of shooing away the peasant children when they happen upon her shuttlecock game with Maid Marian, she plays along with them as villainous Prince John, allowing them to be the heroes. She is always positive and encouraging, consoling Maid Marian that Robin Hood will find her and reconnect with her when the time is right. When Robin Hood does show himself at the tournament, she valiantly fights against the Sheriff of Nottingham, Prince John, and an entire squad of rhinoceros guards twice her size. Lady Kluck even went so far as to successfully escape into Sherwood Forest. She may be a chicken, but she's no coward!


5. Evinrude - The Rescuers


[Source: Walt Disney Productions]

Evinrude is a dragonfly and a Bayou boatman. It is well-known that he owns the fastest boat on Devil's Bayou! With the aid of Evinrude, Bianca and Bernard are able to access Madame Medusa's swamp boat. He even gets the chance to be a hero in a major way by alerting the locals and rallying them to come to Penny's aid, going so far as to lead the charge! Evinrude's aid proved to be so helpful that we see a glimpse of him with Bianca and Bernard at the end of the movie, presumably on another adventure.


6. Toby - The Great Mouse Detective


[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Walt Disney Feature Animation/Silver Screen Partners II]

In The Great Mouse Detective, Toby is actually the pet of Sherlock Holmes. However, he also aids Basil, a Sherlock Holmes-like mouse who lives in his residence. They use Toby's ability to track smells several times throughout the movie, and even use him as a vehicle to move quickly throughout London. Toby also chases Rattigan's monstrous cat, Felicia, who he uses to get rid of his enemies and incompetent henchmen. (Felicia is presumably attacked by the royal guard dogs after escaping being cornered by Toby.) At the end of the movie, we see him presumably working with Basil on yet another case!


7. Tito - Oliver & Company


[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Walt Disney Feature Animation/Silver Screen Partners III]

Fully embodying "tiny but mighty" energy, Tito is one highly capable chihuahua! Not only is he energetic and ready to defend his friends, but he's also somewhat of an amateur electrician. He tinkers with the wiring in a car trying to get a radio to help Fagin pay back his debt to Sykes, and also disables a camera to aid in their escape. Tito even proves himself capable as a crane operator and a driver, which was quite impressive for a dog his size. Without his quick thinking on the bridge with the scooter, they might all have been hit by the oncoming train. By the end of the movie, his heroism finally wins over Georgette, the target of his affection. (Granted, he came to regret it later!)


8. Grimsby - The Little Mermaid


[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Walt Disney Feature Animation/Silver Screen Partners IV]

As the chief advisor and caretaker to Prince Eric, Grimsby is always there for the Prince in a similar fashion to Sebastian and Flounder with Ariel. While he doesn't fully agree with Eric turning down possible betrothals, he does express that he ultimately wants Eric to be happy with his marriage. He has the patience of a saint—aiding Prince Eric on his ship while obviously seasick, finding the shipwrecked Prince and taking him back to the palace, and encouraging Eric's courting of Ariel even though she's a voiceless mystery girl of unknown class. While he could have used his position to influence Prince Eric, he's surprisingly supportive of letting the Prince make his own decisions and helping to carry them through!


9. Powerline - A Goofy Movie


[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Disney MovieToons/Walt Disney Television Animation]

While Powerline's interactions with the main characters only come at the very end of the movie, his influence is everywhere. (And it turns out that he's a pretty chill celebrity!) Powerline is a famous pop star who many teenagers idolize. They also buy plenty of his merch, from posters and cardboard cutouts to albums. Those songs can be heard on and off throughout the movie, only driving home the point that Powerline is no small fry. So when Max and Goofy end up on stage in the middle of his concert (and one of his greatest hits), we admire that he didn't stop the performance. Instead, he allowed Goofy and Max to perform on stage alongside him, even integrating their dance moves into his performance! Making it seem like the shenanigans were all part of the show was really a class act. For a boast that seemed impossible to fulfill, Powerline helped to make that magic happen. Not only did he keep Max's reputation intact, but he enabled the father and son to grow closer.


10. RC - Toy Story


[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar Animation Studios]

RC is one of the few Toy Story toys who can't talk. He proves himself to be an honest and dependable ally to all the toys, even to newcomer Buzz Lightyear. RC notices Woody's jealousy toward Buzz, and informs the other toys when Woody uses him to knock Buzz out the window. (Having a remote control can be a blessing and a curse, after all.) At the climax of the movie when Buzz is trying to escape Sid's dog while being strapped to a rocket, Woody uses RC to rescue Buzz and get all of the toys back on the truck. Had it simply been up to Buzz and Woody without the assistance of RC, we're not sure that their plan with the rocket would have worked!


11. Archdeacon - The Hunchback of Notre Dame


[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Walt Disney Feature Animation]

A man of the cloth, the Archdeacon embraces his duties to the church and the people. He persuades Frollo to spare infant Quasimodo, although he is too late to save his mother. The Archdeacon has Frollo raise Quasimodo as part of his penance for his evil deeds. He fulfills his duties by allowing anyone who enters Notre Dame to claim sanctuary, including Esmerelda, of whom Frollo disapproves. Later in the movie, he protests against Frollo's impending execution of Esmerelda, and even attempts to block Frollo from going up the stairs to attack Quasimodo. He may physically have been no match for Frollo, but his heart was in the right place!


12. Chicha - The Emperor's New Groove


[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Walt Disney Feature Animation]

It's no secret that many Disney characters come from broken families, so seeing one that is both intact and incredibly amazing was so heartwarming about The Emperor's New Groove. Pacha's wife, Chicha, clearly has her hands full with a baby on the way and two incredibly rambunctious kids, but she manages just fine. However, as we see later, she's much more than just a loving housewife! Yzma and Kronk make their way to Pacha's house, only to find Chicha and her two children. Chicha immediately sees through their lies, and she reconnects with her husband while Yzma and Kronk are distracted. She continues the charade and utterly humiliates Yzma, allowing Pacha and Kuzco to escape safely. At the end of the movie, she gives Kuzco a llama poncho that she crocheted herself. We love a talented woman!


13. Audrey Ramirez - Atlantis: The Lost Empire


[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Walt Disney Feature Animation]

There are a number of amazing characters who join Milo on his journey to find Atlantis, although Audrey holds a special place in our hearts. At an incredibly young age, Audrey actually joined the Atlantis expedition as the chief mechanic, replacing her retired father. She's fun-loving and charismatic, while also being a dependable worker. (You can expect to receive two for flinching when she teases you!) Audrey is the first of the crew who defects after realizing what they were doing was wrong. Mole, Sweets, Vinny, Cookie, and Wilhemina all follow her lead. At the end of the film, when the crew is noticeably wealthier, we see Audrey sitting with a white cat. Did she adopt Milo's cat, Fluffy, while he stayed behind in Atlantis? It sure looks like it, but we may never know!


14. Roz - Monsters, Inc.


[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar Animation Studios]

It's easy to initially overlook Roz as a crabby secretary/key master at Monsters, Inc. She's particular about paperwork and expects employees to get their work done, and done well. That's honestly fair! Roz is pointedly at odds with Mike, who frequently doesn't file his paperwork. We find out later in the movie, though, that there's much more to Roz than meets the eye! She is actually an agent of the Child Detective Agency, and she was secretly investigating the misuse of closet doors. The CDA arrests Waternoose, and Roz requests not to see the paperwork. (We can all agree there were shenanigans at hand, but it worked out for the better!)


15. B.E.N. - Treasure Planet


[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Walt Disney Feature Animation]

We're in the company of Jim and crew for the majority of the movie, so sometimes B.E.N. gets a little overlooked because he shows up halfway into the plot. Just like Robert Lewis Stevenson's Treasure Island, B.E.N. was marooned and later found by Jim. And it turns out he's a valuable asset! His role in Treasure Planet Is even more integral to the plot, as he not only knows how to find Flint's trove, but he also knows about the impressive booby trap that would otherwise have obliterated our heroes. (Albeit, after getting his memory chip back.) We only hope he can continue to be of assistance to Jim and his mother as he continues to help around the Benbow Inn!


16. Honey Best - The Incredibles

Honey and Lucius

[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar Animation Studios]

We never actually get to see Honey Best, the wife of Lucius Best or Frozone, on screen in The Incredibles. In fact, she only has a few lines in the movie, but they are some of the funniest and most quotable. (And she actually gained quite a fan following!) It's hinted that Helen Parr and Honey may be friends through casual conversation, like when Helen asks Lucius to say "hi" to Honey for her. As we find out, it can be tough being a non-super wife to a superhero. The Bests had an entire evening together planned, and just to make sure it goes smoothly, Honey had actually hidden her husband's super suit. The ensuing conversation is, of course, cemented in Pixar history. (And our brains!) "Greater good? I am your wife! I am the greatest good you are ever gonna get!" The comedic timing of the entire exchange had us rolling in our theater seats.


17. Charlotte - The Princess and the Frog

Charlotte and Tiana

[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Walt Disney Animation Studios]

We all need a bestie who lets us have some fun while also being there for us, and Charlotte is that bestie for Tiana. Sure, she's spoiled and very much her daddy's little girl, but Charlotte knew how much Tiana wanted to start her own restaurant, and was always supportive of her goals! When Tiana's dress gets soiled at the party, Charlotte lets Tiana change into one of her prettiest crowns, and she even gives her a tiara. Above and beyond is how she rolls! Even when Charlotte finds out that Naveen is in love with Tiana and not her, she still keeps her promise to kiss them so they could become human again. Not too bad for a spoiled rich girl!


18. Pascal - Tangled


[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Walt Disney Animation Studios]

Pascal doesn't have as many memorable big-screen moments as Maximus, but he has his moments! As Rapunzel's pet chameleon, Pascal is very much in support of her escaping to see the rest of the world. While initially cautious of Flynn, Pascal warms up to him over the course of their life outside the tower. After Rapunzel is manipulated into returning to the tower with Mother Gothel, Pascal does his best to protect Rapunzel from her. (Granted, he's quite punt-able, as we find out.) However, you could say that he gets his revenge. As part of her famous Disney death, Pascal trips Mother Gothel, sending her out the window—where she ages rapidly and turns to dust.


19. Mamá Coco - Coco

Miguel and Mama Coco

[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar Animation Studios]

Few people in Miguel's family are willing to entertain the thought that music runs in his veins. After their family matriarch was seemingly abandoned by her musician husband, there has been a strict ban on any and all forms of music—from hearing passing musicians practicing on their way to the plaza or even blowing across a bottle. However, Mamá Coco is the only one in the family who doesn't try to suppress his musical urges. As it turns out, she still harbors fond memories of her musician father. Mamá Coco is also the key to saving Héctor from being forgotten in the Land of the Dead! While Miguel was unable to take Héctor's photo with him before returning by sunrise, she actually had the missing face from his family portrait. In a small glimpse into the future, we see Héctor and Mamá Coco reunited at the next Day of the Dead celebrations. (Keep tissues on hand, because this one's a tear-jerker!)


20. Colt Bronco - Onward

Colt Bronco

[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar Animation Studios]

It's never easy filling someone else's shoes, but Colt Bronco tries his best with the Lightfoot boys. He may not entirely understand what it is they're trying to do, but it's hard when they don't open up to him and communicate either. Colt attempts to chase down Ian and Barley in Guenivere, their trusty, rusty van, but they manage to evade him in his police vehicle. He shows up at the end of the movie while events are going down with the stone dragon, and he sees just how capable the boys are. Colt appears to have had a change of heart, and we see him getting along with Ian and Barley. The family is moving forward together, and, in a symbolic gesture, Colt even lets his hair down before running off to work.


21. Little Noi - Raya and the Last Dragon

Little Noi and Ongis

[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/Walt Disney Animation Studios]

This pint-sized trickster wasn't originally in the running to help Raya, but circumstances led to a team-up. After successfully stealing Raya's dragon gems, Raya extends an invitation to Noi and her Ongis to help retrieve the other dragon gems. (Nothing expedites a team-up faster than imminent doom!) Skilled at setting up distractions with her three Ongis and quickly snatching trinkets, Noi is a valuable asset to their strange band of misfits. They work together to retrieve all the dragon gems, in an effort to stop Druun and the petrification of the world. When it comes time to have Namari assemble the dragon gem, Noi gives up her piece along with the others, rather than living as selfishly as she had. With the petrification gone, we see Noi reunited with her mother once again.


There are so many Disney movies and characters that we can't mention them all! Who are some of your favorite underrated Disney characters? What are your favorite Disney movies? We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Come and check out our Disney merch to find gifts with some of your favorite characters.

Angela Poch
Angela Poch

Angela Poch is an Inbound Marketing Specialist and Resident Crazy Cat Lady at, where she is an assistant editor and writes about Disney, Pokémon, and gift guides.

What’s fun for her? Angela keeps busy playing video games (Fire Emblem, Pokémon, and Skyrim are her favorites), drawing, sewing, and taking silly pictures with her cats. You can follow her on Bluesky or her cats on Instagram @stardustnebulanova.
