The Most Inspirational Quotes from Anime
Published on January 22, 2024

The Most Inspirational Quotes from Anime

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Everyone needs a little pick-me-up once in a while. Anime characters often overcome insurmountable odds; sometimes, we need that energy too! When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right? Maybe your lemonade is watching funny cat videos over a pint of ice cream, or drawing a picture. Other people find comfort in their favorite movie and TV quotes. We'll share some of our favorite inspirational quotes from anime that may be just what you need! Whether it's lifting your mood or finding that perfect caption for social media, these anime quotes will fire you up!


1. "A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. A fullmetal heart."

Edward Elric—Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

[Source: Bones/IMDb]


2. "If there's a wall in our way, then we smash it down! If there isn't a path, then we carve one ourselves!"

Simon—Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan

Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann

[Source: Gainax/IMDb]


3. "The only thing you can change about the past is how you feel about it in the present."

Lockon Stratos—Mobile Suit Gundam 00

Mobile Suit Gundam 00

[Source: Sunrise/IMDb]


4. "If you don't like the hand that fate's dealt you with, fight for a new one!"

Naruto Uzumaki—Naruto


[Source: Pierrot/IMDb]


5. "Whether you win or lose, looking back and learning from your experiences is a part of life."

All Might—My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia

[Source: Bones/IMDb]


6. "Every moment hesitated is a moment gone from life."

Nicholas D. Wolfwood—Trigun


[Source: Madhouse/IMDb]


7. "Without the bad times, we wouldn't appreciate the good times."

Usagi Tsukino—Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon

[Source: Toei Animation/IMDb]


8. "Even if no one in the world believes you, stick out your chest and scream in defiance."

Rukia Kuchiki—Bleach


[Source: Pierrot/IMDb]


9. "Whatever you lose, you'll find it again, but what you throw away, you'll never get it back."

Kenshin Himura—Rurouni Kenshin

Rurouni Kenshin

[Source: Studio Gallop/Studio Deen/IMDb]


10. "Don't let yourself be blinded by fear or anger. Everything is only as it is."



[Source: Artland/IMDb]


11. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

Shoyo Hinata—Haikyu!!


[Source: Production I.G/IMDb]


12. "Don't live your life making up excuses. The one making your choices is yourself!"

Mugen—Samurai Champloo

Samurai Champloo

[Source: Manglobe/IMDb]


13. "Nothing can happen till you swing the bat."



[Source: Gainax/Production I.G/IMDb]


14. "It's okay to do things a little differently."

Tengen Uzui—Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer

[Source: Ufotable/IMDb]


15. "If you won't defend your precious things, people will take them from you."

Touga Kiryuu—Revolutionary Girl Utena

Revolutionary Girl Utena

[Source: J.C. Staff/IMDb]


16. "Change will never come about if you don't make it happen."

Lelouch Lamperouge—Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

Code Geass

[Source: Sunrise/IMDb]


17. "What's past is past. I cannot redo it, nor go back to it. I have escaped from that scene and still continue to live. All I can do is look forward."

Emiya Shirou—Fate/Stay Night

Fate/Stay Night

[Source: Studio Deen/IMDb]


Hopefully, these words of encouragement leave you feeling inspired! What are some of your favorite inspiring anime quotes? Do you have a favorite show that lifts your spirits? We'd love to hear about it in the comments below! Don't forget to check out our selection of anime gifts from all your favorite shows. You never know what goodies you might find!

Angela Poch
Angela Poch

Angela Poch is an Inbound Marketing Specialist and Resident Crazy Cat Lady at, where she is an assistant editor and writes about Disney, Pokémon, and gift guides.

What’s fun for her? Angela keeps busy playing video games (Fire Emblem, Pokémon, and Skyrim are her favorites), drawing, sewing, and taking silly pictures with her cats. You can follow her on Bluesky or her cats on Instagram @stardustnebulanova.
