Our Fun Yarn Ornaments Will Tie Your Holiday Decorating Plans Together
Published on December 21, 2020

Our Fun Yarn Ornaments Will Tie Your Holiday Decorations Together [Printables]

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Today we'll show you how to make some fun yarn ornaments based on Among Us, The Mandalorian, Frozen, superheroes, and more! These ornaments are a great way to add a homemade touch to your tree or mantle, plus they're super easy to create with items you might even have around the house. You'll need some yarn, glue, pins, and our free printable ornament templates. Parents might need to help out with the pins and cutting, but for the most part, these yarn ornaments are very kid-friendly. So let's get crafty!

The free yarn ornament templates are available underneath each preview image. We included basic materials and directions on each template, but we've added some expanded details below the templates. Click to jump right to the materials and directions.

Click images to open a full-size version in a new window.


Among Us Yarn Ornament

Among Us Yarn Ornament
Among Us Yarn Ornament Template

Just focus on tasks and you'll have these ornaments done in no time!


The Child (Baby Yoda) Yarn Ornament

Completed Baby Yoda Ornament

The Child Yarn Ornament
The Child Yarn Ornament Template

"This is the way." - The Template


Frozen Yarn Ornaments

Completed Snowgies Ornament

Olaf Yarn Ornament #1Olaf Yarn Ornament #2Snowgies Yarn Ornament
Olaf Yarn Ornament Template #1Olaf Yarn Ornament Template #2Snowgies Yarn Ornament Template

"I don't have a skull. Or bones."


Minecraft Yarn Ornaments

Creeper Yarn OrnamentEnderman Yarn Ornament
Creeper Yarn Ornament TemplateEnderman Yarn Ornament Template

Reticulating yarns!


Harry Potter Sorting Hat Yarn Ornaments

Easy Sorting Hat Yarn OrnamentChallenging Sorting Hat Yarn Ornament
Easy Sorting Hat Yarn Ornament TemplateChallenging Sorting Hat Yarn Ornament Template

Are you a candidate for Slytheyarn?


Avengers Yarn Ornaments

Avengers Logo Yarn OrnamentBlack Widow Logo Yarn Ornament
Avengers Logo Yarn Ornament TemplateBlack Widow Logo Yarn Ornament Template

You can do this all day!


Wonder Woman Yarn Ornaments

Completed Wonder Woman Ornament

Easy Wonder Woman Logo Yarn OrnamentChallenging Wonder Woman Logo Yarn Ornament
Easy Wonder Woman Logo Yarn Ornament TemplateChallenging Wonder Woman Logo Yarn Ornament Template

Wonder Woman is truly the strongest thread of the Justice League.


Pokémon Yarn Ornaments

Completed Pokéball Ornament

Easy Pikachu Logo OrnamentChallenging Pikachu Yarn OrnamentPokéball Yarn Ornament
Easy Pikachu Logo Ornament TemplateChallenging Pikachu Yarn Ornament TemplatePokéball Yarn Ornament Template

Gotta glue 'em all!


Triforce Yarn Ornament

Triforce Yarn Ornament
Triforce Yarn Ornament Template

If all else fails, use glue.


Materials and Directions for Yarn Ornaments

Alright, let's talk about what you'll need to make these yarn ornaments and then go over some of the finer details!

  • printer and paper
  • pencil or pen
  • foam
  • pins
  • yarn
  • scissors
  • white glue
  • bowl
  • parchment paper or plastic wrap (optional)
  • tape (optional)


1. Trace design onto foam, or cut out design and tape paper to foam.

Any kind of flat foam that holds pins in place will do. You could use EVA crafting foam, styrofoam packaging, or even food containers. Cardboard boxes might work, too!


2. (Optional) Tape parchment paper or plastic wrap over foam/design to help ornament release.

Covering the foam and design with parchment paper or plastic wrap will help the ornament release after the glue is dry. If you've traced the design onto foam that doesn't stick to white glue, then you can skip this step.


3. Stick pins in foam, using dots as a guide.

Stick pins in foam, using dots as a guide

We recommend pins with round heads because they won't snag on the yarn as easily.


4. Cut yarn into segments of 12-18 inches.

We've found that 12-18" (30-45 cm) segments of yarn work best. They're short enough to dip and coat in glue, but long enough to hold a shape on the pins.


5. Dip yarn into glue.

Dip yarn into glue

If you're okay with getting messy, use your hands and make sure the yarn gets coated in glue. Or you could use a fork to stir the yarn around, and then run the yarn between the tines to squeeze off any excess glue, as we did here.


6. Wrap yarn around pins.

Wrap yarn around pinsHow to Wrap Yarn

Make sure to wrap yarn around the entire outside of the design, but also run it back and forth through the middle, too. You don't need to completely fill the inside!


7. Let glue dry, then remove pins to release ornament.

White glue will set in about 30 minutes but it takes a full day to dry. After the ornament is completely dry, carefully remove the pins. If any part moves out of place, apply a small amount of white glue and set the ornament aside to fully dry.


Which was your favorite pop culture yarn ornament? Will you be making them this year? Please let us know in the comments! And if our ornaments reminded you of someone on your shopping list, then be sure to check out all of our themed gifts or our holiday gift guide!

Wyatt Edwards
Wyatt Edwards

Wyatt Edwards is the Internet Wizard at Fun.com, where he is lead editor and writes about superheroes and pop culture. He is an avid toy collector and a yearly judge for The Poppies, an industry pop culture collectible award.

What’s fun for Wyatt? Playing Dungeons & Dragons, making wild guitar noises, and buying ridiculous toys that might look good on a shelf someday. He seriously has way too many hobbies. You can find him on BlueSky @wyattriot.bsky.social.
