Published on February 24, 2020

Jeff Goldblum Jurassic Park Pose: The Mashup You Never Asked For

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Jeff Goldblum Jurassic Park Pose: The Mashup You Never Asked For

Jeff Goldblum is an icon. He’s instantly recognizable in every role he plays. He’s endlessly quotable, whether it’s a movie or television show or real life. And he looks great as an open-shirted fly-man hybrid. Hey, guess what? We’ve mashed up his iconic pose in Jurassic Park with his gruesome appearance in The Fly. And a bunch more quintessential Jeff Goldblum roles. Here’s the part where we make a joke about "they didn't stop to think if they should" but of course the answer is yes. Always yes. So much yes. Anyways, enjoy the ridiculous mashups!

All of these images are clickable for high-resolution versions, if you're into that sort of thing!


Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park

The original can’t be copied. Except probably through cloning or something. (Hey, we’re not scientists.)


The Fly

The Fly

"Uhh, I'm working on something that will change the world and human life as we know it."


Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok

"Hey, let's have a big round of applause for all of today's contenders who have died so gruesomely! Good sports!"


Independence Day

Independence Day

"Hey, take a look at the earthlings. Goodbye!"


Isle of Dogs

Isle of Dogs

"Uh, what's your dog's name?" (Yes, that’s Life Aquatic, we know. It was just too good.)


The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

"See, this is the part where for me it started to look like a problem."


The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Grand Budapest Hotel

"Did he just throw my cat out of the window?"


Earth Girls are Easy

Earth Girls are Easy

"Are we limp and hard to manage?"


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

"You're the most ravishing creature that I've ever seen in my life."


The GoldBluMan Group from Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!

The GoldBluMan Group from Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!

"It’s a sizzler!"


Well, what did you think of the Jeff Goldblum mashups? Are you going to dream about them at night? Will those images be seared into your brain for all time? Awesome, yell at us in the comments. We also sell a bunch of fun stuff so maybe take a look!

Wyatt Edwards
Wyatt Edwards

Wyatt Edwards is the Internet Wizard at, where he is lead editor and writes about superheroes and pop culture. He is an avid toy collector and a yearly judge for The Poppies, an industry pop culture collectible award.

What’s fun for Wyatt? Playing Dungeons & Dragons, making wild guitar noises, and buying ridiculous toys that might look good on a shelf someday. He seriously has way too many hobbies. You can find him on BlueSky

Brady Johnson
Brady Johnson

Brady is a Graphic Designer at who specializes in many things, from product design to illustration. He lives in the shadows and collects old Nintendo games, and would drink egg nog year-round if possible.
