Published on November 11, 2019

Pokémon Jerseys: Gotta Wear 'Em All

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Pokémon Jerseys: Gotta Wear 'Em All

Pokémon Sword and Shield is coming out soon, and we're excited for all of the new content! The likes of Yamper and Wooloo have already made great first impressions upon the denizens of the internet, and frankly, we want them all. This new game appears to be set in a region similar to the United Kingdom and fans also noticed that many of the gyms look like stadiums. The stands are filled with onlookers and the gym leaders are wearing sports uniforms. They all look so stylish that we went on a Pokémon jersey design spree with some of our favorite Pokémon from games past and present as mascots.


Every Pokémon generation has its stand-outs, and Sword and Shield is no different. We certainly had to include Yamper because he's such a good boy, but we also wanted to remember some past favorites, too! (With over 800 Pokémon, there are so many Pocket Monsters from which to choose.) In keeping with the tradition of Pokémon gyms, we made sure to base our team jerseys off of Pokémon of different elemental types, and we also went with pure type Pokémon in order to avoid any confusion. The designs and team names also make some subtle nods back to a variety of Pokémon episodes, memes and even moves and abilities. Keep reading to see all of our uniform designs!


Bellossom Power Flowers

Bellossom Power Flowers

If dance troops had jerseys like these, we'd highly recommend this one.


Eevee Elementals

Eevee Elementals

Eevee is ee-asily the cutest and most versatile Pokémon.


Hitmonlee Kickers

Hitmonlee Kickers

With a team like this, there's probably a Hitmonchan team named the Punchers, and a Hitmontop team named the...Spinners?


Mismagius Enchanters

Mismagius Enchanters

Can there please be someone on this team named Tim? He's an Enchanter.


Mudkip Torrents

Mudkip Torrents

Torrent is arguably Mudkip's better ability, and it also makes a great team name.


Ponyta Pwnies

Ponyta Pwnies

It's so fluffy we're gonna die.


Scorbunny Scorchers

Scorbunny Scorchers

This jersey design is on fire.


Yamper Good Boys

Yamper Good Boys

This pup looks like he's having a ball.


We hope you enjoyed all of our Pokémon-themed jersey designs. Too bad none of these are real, but you can always check out other Pokémon gift ideas. Do you have a favorite design? What other Pokémon team names can you think of that would fit right into a sports setting? Let us know in the comments! We're super excited for the new Pokémon Sword and Shield game, and we hope that you are, too.

Angela Poch
Angela Poch

Angela Poch is an Inbound Marketing Specialist and Resident Crazy Cat Lady at, where she is an assistant editor and writes about Disney, Pokémon, and gift guides.

What’s fun for her? Angela keeps busy playing video games (Fire Emblem, Pokémon, and Skyrim are her favorites), drawing, sewing, and taking silly pictures with her cats. You can follow her on Bluesky or her cats on Instagram @stardustnebulanova.
