Published on April 15, 2019

Eggs of Thrones [Printables]

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Game of Throne Easter Egg Printables

It’s a bittersweet time for all Game of Thrones fans. With season 8 starting April 14th, we are finally getting another season to watch, but it’s sadly the final season. Of course, George R. R. Martin wrote the medieval fantasy bestselling series that David Benioff and D.B. Weiss turned into the show that has taken everyone by storm. That was in 2011 and it’s been a tremendous ride seeing people rise and fall for the throne ever since. Don’t worry if you haven’t watched, we won’t give any outright spoilers. However, there will be frowns, many frowns, for not watching.

With it airing the Sunday before Easter it makes it the perfect time to turn your love for the show into your Easter party theme. 12 eggs. 1 throne. Who will take the throne? If we’ve learned one thing, it is that no one is safe. Play out your own Game of Thrones ending with these Easter egg printables. Will it be Jon Snow, Daenerys, Cersei or someone no one expects?

Game of Thrones Easter Eggs

Jon and Daenerys Easter Eggs

Ice and Fire: Jon Snow and Daenerys.

Cersei and Jamie Lannister Easter Eggs

Lannister Lovers: Cersei and Jamie.

Tyrion and Sansa Easter Eggs

Unlikely couple: Tyrion and Sansa.

The Hound and Arya Easter Eggs

Unlikely friends: The Hound and Arya.

The Night King and Ice Dragon Easter Eggs

The Night King and Ice Dragon, Viserion.

Daenerys, Jon and Dragons Easter Eggs

Targaryens and their Dragons: Daenerys, Jon, Drogon and Rhaegal.

The Starks as Easter Eggs

Starks of Winterfell: Jon, Sansa and Ayra.

The Lannisters as Easter Eggs

Lannisters: Cersei, Jamie and Tyrion.

Easter Egg Printables

Game of Thrones Easter Egg Printables

Click to open Game of Thrones Easter egg printables in a new window, then print or right-click to download.

What will you do for the Throne? Remember all men must dye. Get it? Dye your eggs whichever way you prefer. (We used an egg dying kit.) Then print these out on cardstock or regular printer paper and let the fun begin! Grab yourself some Game of Thrones gifts so you can show off your king or queen in style.

Egg Design Credit: Amanda Anez

Molly Schwichtenberg
Molly Schwichtenberg

Molly is the Marketing Manager and writer for

What’s fun for her? Having a movie marathon with all those franchise movies. (You know, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Marvel, Twilight, Hunger Games…) If she could have any movie character as a pet, it would be Baby Groot. Can you blame her?! You can find her at Twitter @mollyhalloween1 or on LinkedIn @mschwichtenberg.

Amanda Anez
Amanda Anez

Amanda is a graphic designer at, where she does a little bit of everything from costume artwork, emails, social media, and blog content. Her multitasking and Photoshop wizardry come together to bring ideas to life, make great costumes, and save Halloween!

Beyond the office walls, Amanda spends most of her free time going on outdoor adventures and volunteering at a local bike shop.
