Care bears Who's Who
Published on November 14, 2024

A Care Bears Who's Who [Gift Guide]

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We're huge fans of 80s cartoons here at! Some of our faves include My Little Pony, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Pound Puppies, The Transformers, and, of course, Care Bears! Those loveable little bears come in a variety of colors, and more Care Bears have debuted every season—so how do we tell them apart? The answer is (partly) in each bear's unique belly badge. Keep reading to see a list of the Care Bears names and colors!


All Care Bears character images courtesy of Care Bears Wiki/Fandom.


Original Care Bears

Did you know that the Care Bears were created alongside greeting cards? Of course, their potential was quickly realized, and the Care Bears crew soon had a line of stuffed toys and a TV series. There were 10 Care Bears in the first series, which aired from 1985-1988. Get ready to meet the first generation of Care Bears!


Tenderheart Bear

Tenderheart Bear

The brown Care Bear is Tenderheart Bear, known for his caring personality. In later series, he changes to a more orange color. He is generally considered to be the main character, or even the face of the Care Bears franchise. Tenderheart Bear's belly badge is a large red heart, symbolizing his kindness. Tenderheart also has the ability to give new Care Bears members their own belly badges.


Cheer Bear

Cheer Bear

So, who is the pink Care Bear? That would be Cheer Bear! Cheer Bear has a rainbow on her belly and, depending on the TV series, she may also be the main character. If you're ever feeling down, you can count on Cheer Bear to cheer you up!


Funshine Bear

Funshine Bear

A bear with a sunny disposition, Funshine Bear is the color yellow. Similar to Cheer Bear, Funshine Bear is bright and cheery, with a smiling sun on their tummy. Funshine Bear is also one of the most athletic Care Bears, always outgoing and ready for adventure!


Grumpy Bear

Grumpy Bear

The moodiest bear of the bunch, Grumpy Bear is a medium shade of blue. His belly badge has a storm cloud, and one or more of the raindrops are hearts. Despite being the prickliest Care Bear, he's still capable of showing kindness in his own way.


Good Luck Bear

Good Luck Bear

Who said it's not easy being green? With Good Luck Bear on your side, fortune is sure to follow. He's an enviable shade of green, with a green shamrock belly badge to match. Good Luck Bear has a knack for finding the positive moments in life, and he does his best to boost others' self-confidence.


Bedtime Bear

Bedtime Bear

Bedtime Bear is just as sleepy as his name would suggest. He's aqua to turquoise in color, or generally a medium-light blue. Bedtime Bear has a blue moon and a star on his belly badge and is the "bear-er" of sweet dreams. He even has a special ability to enter Dreamland and change your dreams, which is admittedly pretty cool!


Love-a-Lot Bear

Love-a-Lot Bear

Love-a-Lot Bear is another pink bear, but instead of the bubblegum-pink fur of Cheer Bear, she's either a magenta-pink or more coral in color, depending on the series. As you may have guessed, she has the unique ability to cause others to fall in love, much like Cupid. Love-a-Lot Bear's belly badge features two joined hearts, which show off her loving nature.


Birthday Bear

Birthday Bear

Do you remember that the Care Bears were initially made to help sell greeting cards? It only makes sense that Birthday Bear was part of the first generation! Falling in between orange and yellow, his fur is a golden-yellow color. Appropriately, his belly badge depicts a cupcake with a birthday candle. He's ready to party at the drop of a hat and will make anyone feel like a rockstar!


Friend Bear

Friend Bear

You have the ultimate companion in Friend Bear. Friend Bear is a light orange color, with two crossed flowers on their belly badge. Also, like Funshine Bear, they inexplicably became a boy bear in later Care Bears series. (They also had an unintended gender swap in an earlier children's book after being introduced as a girl on the show.) If you need a friend to hang with, Friend Bear is your pal! They're sure to support you no matter what.


Wish Bear

Wish Bear

The last Care Bear of the original 10 is Wish Bear. She's generally a turquoise color, although she can vary between light blue and green. Her belly badge appropriately features a shooting star, so get ready to make some wishes! She can't help but try to fulfill wishes, even if she's not always successful. A bit of a dreamer, she can be seen as naive at times, but Wish Bear has a good heart.


Care Bears TV Specials Bears

Before the first Care Bears movie, there were two TV specials. The first, The Care Bears Battle the Freeze Machine, included characters from the subsequent television series. However, the second TV special introduced three new Care Bears characters. Which new Care Bears were featured in The Care Bears in the Land Without Feelings?


Baby Hugs Bear

Baby Hugs Bear

The first Care Bears cubs arrived in The Care Bears in the Land Without Feelings. One part of a set of twins, Baby Hugs Bear is a pink bear with a heart surrounding a star on her tummy. She's playful and curious, just like any bear cub should be! Baby Hugs Bear is hardly ever without her brother, and they're often a handful due to their boundless mischief.


Baby Tugs Bear

Baby Tugs Bear

Where would Baby Hugs be without Baby Tugs Bear? A boy bear, Tugs first appears as a lighter blue, but later on a medium-tone blue color. His belly badge is the opposite of Hugs' badge, with a star surrounding a heart. Equally as mischievous as his sister, Tugs wants to be just as brave as the other grown bears. You can probably imagine the shenanigans he can get into with an attitude like that!


Grams Bear

Grams Bear

As the name would lead you to believe, Grams Bear is portrayed as an older bear. While she was originally gray in color, which sometimes varied from gray-blue to gray-purple, she was temporarily turquoise before returning to a grayish-blue. Her belly badge is a pink flower with a yellow ribbon tied around the stem. She's often seen watching after Baby Hugs and Tugs, which is admittedly tough!


The Care Bear Cousins and Care Bears Movie Bears

As the popularity of the Care Bears grew, the first Care Bears movie introduced a new batch of characters. Enter the Care Bear cousins, cuddly new critters that aren't bears. While the Care Bears are from Care-a-Lot, the Care Bear cousins hail from a new land, the Forest of Feelings. Initially, none of the cousins had belly badges, but Tenderheart Bear gives one to each of them at the end of The Care Bears Movie. There were also a couple of new Care Bears introduced in the movie as well!


Brave Heart Lion

Brave Heart Lion

Every group needs a leader, and Brave Heart Lion fills that role—similarly to Tenderheart Bear with the Care Bear cousins. Like every one of the Care Bear cousins, the animal he represents is part of his name, and his name and belly badge also include a heart. His heart icon is a heart wearing a crown. He stands for courage and caring, although he's also prone to recklessness.


Lotsa Heart Elephant

Lotsa Heart Elephant

Although small by elephant standards, Lotsa Heart Elephant has a big heart. This perfectly pink elephant has a weight with hearts on their belly badge, given by Tenderheart Bear. Lotsa Heart is known for their strength and determination, and will always pitch in whenever help is needed!


Gentle Heart Lamb

Gentle Heart Lamb

The most bashful of the Care Bear cousins, gentle heart lamb is a tender soul. She's depicted as a pastel green sheep with a lace-edged heart on her belly. She's very shy in nature, and somewhat hesitant to join the ranks should situations arise. Still, her heart is in the right place, and she's a very caring character.


Bright Heart Raccoon

Bright Heart Raccoon

Who would be the brightest of the bunch other than Bright Heart Raccoon? A serial tinkerer, this crafty raccoon's belly badge features a heart-shaped lightbulb. He has two different colors of purple fur, showing off the striped and goggled fur patterns typical for raccoons. You can often find him working on new gadgets and inventions with Grumpy Bear.


Swift Heart Rabbit

Swift Heart Rabbit

You're probably familiar with the saying "quick as a rabbit", and this is Swift Heart Rabbit in a nutshell. The fastest of all the Care Bears and Care Bears cousins, their belly badge is a heart with wings. Swift Heart is aqua blue in color, and has a serious need for speed!


Playful Heart Monkey

Playful Heart Monkey

In typical Care Bears cousins fashion, Playful Heart Monkey's personality matches his given name. Originally depicted as a brown-furred monkey, he has also run the gamut from light orange to golden yellow-orange. His belly badge is a heart-shaped balloon with party favors, indicating his fun personality. However, he's also fond of practical jokes, which often land him in hot water.


Cozy Heart Penguin

Cozy Heart Penguin

Cozy Heart Penguin is light purple in color, with a heart wearing a stocking cap on her belly badge. She is capable of staying warm in even the coldest climates, and making friends and spreading happiness brings her great joy! You could say that friendship gives her the "warm fuzzies".


Treat Heart Pig

Treat Heart Pig

Who is the yellow Care Bears cousin? That would be Treat Heart Pig! As you may have guessed, she's a big fan of snacks. However, she's not as greedy as a pig—and she's always open to sharing. Her belly badge has an ice cream cone on it, with either a heart-shaped scoop of ice cream or a scoop with a heart on top.


Proud Heart Cat

Proud Heart Cat

Likely the character that underwent the most changes, Proud Heart Cat has been orange, pink, beige, turquoise, and yellow. Their belly badge has a heart inside a pink star. (Not to be confused with Baby Tugs Bear!) One of the more serious characters in the Care Bear cousins, Proud Heart Cat is prone to perfectionism, and often at odds with the playful nature of Playful Heart Monkey.


Loyal Heart Dog

Loyal Heart Dog

While we're not sure what kind of dog Loyal Heart Dog is, we do know that he's blue. A true friend, he's more than willing to help someone out in their time of need, or simply hang out if you're in need of companionship. His belly badge features a heart-shaped medal.


Share Bear

Share Bear

Share Bear debuted in the first Care Bears movie. She was originally a light lavender purple with an ice cream soda with two straws on her belly badge. (Her tummy design later changed to two crossed lollipops due to health concerns!) Her fur also became a medium shade of red-violet. Share Bear is known for being willing to share most things with the other Care Bears, whether it's a snack or some advice.


Secret Bear

Secret Bear

Who is the quietest Care Bear? That honor goes to Secret Bear, who often pantomimes or speaks in whispers rather than out loud. Originally a pastel orange bear, Secret Bear is generally magenta (or occasionally red). Their belly badge is an image of a heart-shaped lock.


Champ Bear

Champ Bear

We mentioned that Funshine Bear is one of the most athletic characters, but the distinction of most athletic goes to Champ Bear! Champ Bear started as a tan Care Bear in the Care Bears movie, but later changed to yellow and then blue. Just like his fur color, Champ Bear's belly badge had a change—from a trophy with a heart to a trophy with a star!


How many Care Bears did you know? There have since been a number of other new Care Bears characters as the Care Bears franchise grows. Who is your favorite Care Bear? Keep reading for all of our fun Care Bears gifts below!


Pick a Care Bars Gift

The 80s were a great decade, and they gave us so many amazing Saturday morning cartoons. If you're just like us, you may have been bitten by the Care Bears bug! What kid wouldn't love a bunch of cute, rainbow-colored bears that live in the clouds? Maybe you're hoping to introduce the next generation to the Care Bears with some Care Bears merch, or you're still in love with their colorful aesthetic even as an adult. We're sure that you'll find some Care Bears gift ideas that you'll Care-a-Lot about!


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Care Bears Clothes

Care Bear Clothes

Rainbows and Sunshine ShirtTenderheart Bear SweaterGood Luck Bear SweaterLove a Lot Bear Sweater
Care Bears BlazerTrick-or-Sweet Bear SweaterGrumpy Bear SweaterGrumpy Bear Shirt

For some of us, Care Bears isn't just some casual thing we happen to like—it's a fashion statement! People love to wear graphic shirts with their favorite movies and TV series, so you'll be delighted to know that you can get your fill of Care Bears shirts and sweaters. We have Care Bears clothing for adults and kids, including some unisex tees and sweaters. You'll feel as cuddly as the Care Bears in this Care Bears apparel.


Care Bear Pajamas and Loungewear

Care Bear Pajamas and Loungewear

Cheer Bear OnesieGrumpy Bear OnesieBedtime Bear RobeBedtime Bear Robe for Kids
Cheer Bear RobeCheer Bear Robe for KidsBedtime Bear PJs for KidsBedtime Bear Pajamas

Have you ever wanted a pair of Bedtime Bear pajamas? Bedtime Bear loves to take naps, and you will too with these Care Bear pajamas! However, that doesn't mean that the rest of the Care-a-Lot crew won't join in. Get a cuddly Care Bear onesie for lounging around, and your kids can also join in the fun with child-sized Care Bears PJs. You'll feel as cozy as a Care Bear with these Care Bears loungewear singles and sets!


Care Bears Decorations

Care Bear Decorations

Rainbow PillowGrumpy Bear PillowCheer Bear Pillow
Cheer Bear ChairGrumpy Bear PoufRainbow Stripe Rug

Kids and pastel rainbow-addicted adults are sure to love our line of Care Bears home décor! Pretty pillows and poufs with Care Bears faces make great accents for any Care Bears-themed room, and don't forget rainbow decorations like our rug and pillow. You can also find furniture pieces perfect for a kids' room, such as the Cheer Bear chair and Care Bears play tent. It may not be possible for you to take a trip to Care-a-Lot, but you can bring a piece of their rainbow-filled paradise into your room.


Care Bears Accessories

Now, a shirt isn't exactly an entire outfit, so we have many adorable Care Bears accessories to help you create an entire look. Gear up with a pair of Care Bears shoes, or perhaps a cute Care Bears purse. When your outfit is this charming, you'll feel like you're on cloud nine! Even if you need more subtle Care Bears wear because you can't be in head-to-toe Care Bears, we have sweet socks and slippers to suit your style.


Care Bears Shoes

Care Bears Shoes

Grumpy Bear HeelsCare-a-Lot ShoesCheer Bear ShoesCheer Bear Ankle Boots

While it is true that the Care Bears don't have footwear, we'd like to imagine that they would wear these shoes if they could! Bring a smile to someone's face with a fuzzy pair of Cheer Bear shoes, or add a pop of fun to a blue outfit with Grumpy Bear heels. Whether you're fond of brightly colored outfits or subdued pastels, these colorful shoes are sure to be eye-catching!


Care Bears Socks

Care Bears Socks

Care Bears SocksCare Bears Faces SocksCare Bears Long Socks

Maybe your outfit isn't bold enough for colorful character shoes, but you still want that fun pop of Care Bears in your wardrobe. These Care Bears socks will do the trick! Buy a pair of low-rise socks that reflect your mood for the day, or add a colorful accent with long Care Bears socks. They may not make your toes fuzzy like your favorite bears, but you'll feel beary cute!


Care Bears Bags

Care Bears Bags

Care Bears Ita BackpackGrumpy Bear BackpackCare Bears Logo PurseGrumpy Bear Fanny Pack
Rainbow HandbagClassic Care Bears Mini BackpackTrick-or-Sweet Bear BackpackHalloween Mini Backpack

If you're going to make a Care Bears outfit, naturally, you're going to want a bag to tie it all together. Pair a mini backpack with your favorite casual outfit, or perhaps try a purse for something a little dressier. There's even a kids' backpack for Care Bears fans that want to take their favorite characters to school! You know that you can trust the Care Bears gang to keep your essentials handy.


Care Bears Hats

Care Bears Hats

Grumpy Bear Knit CapGrumpy Bear Fuzzy CapGrumpy Bear Dad CapCheer Bear Knit Cap

Have you ever wanted cute, fuzzy ears on your head? Maybe just a warm, furry hat? Even if you're looking for a typical dad hat to keep the sun out of your eyes, the Care Bears are here to help. We have a whole rainbow of knit Care Bears hats to suit your mood, and who could pass up an adorable baseball cap? These useful Care Bears accessories are sure to be your outfit's MVP.


Care Bears Slippers

Care Bears Slippers

Good Luck Bear SlippersCheer Bear SlippersTenderheart Bear SlippersGrumpy Bear Slippers

We often use words like snuggly, warm and fuzzy to describe the Care Bears, and with good reason. A hug from a Care Bear seems so warm and inviting that we couldn't help but get some Care Bears slippers to keep your feet cozy. It doesn't matter whether you're working from home or taking the time for some self-care and TV. These Care Bears slippers are so much fun to wear!


We hope you found just the inspiration you needed for some cute Care Bears gifts! They're perfect for Christmas, birthdays and even themed Care Bears parties! If you're also looking for some Care Bears party ideas, we have a selection of colorful Care Bears cupcakes to help you get started. We hope your giftee is as excited as Cheer Bear when they receive their present!

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Tags: 80s, Care Bears
Angela Poch
Angela Poch

Angela Poch is an Inbound Marketing Specialist and Resident Crazy Cat Lady at, where she is an assistant editor and writes about Disney, Pokémon, and gift guides.

What’s fun for her? Angela keeps busy playing video games (Fire Emblem, Pokémon, and Skyrim are her favorites), drawing, sewing, and taking silly pictures with her cats. You can follow her on Bluesky or her cats on Instagram @stardustnebulanova.
