Published on December 6, 2018

Who's Your Secret Santa? [Quiz]

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Who's Your Secret Santa?

Do you need some inspiration for your Secret Santa duties this year? First you need to figure out your holiday vibe. Maybe you'll delight your coworkers with classic red-and-white sweater-patterned products paired with treats like hot cocoa and candy canes. Or maybe you're a little different, catching people off guard with wild gift ideas. Maybe you're unafraid of coming out from left field. You'll have the gift recipient going into a super sleuth mode to figure out who gave them that ridiculously absurd Christmas sweater! Or hey, maybe you just want to imagine what it would be like to have your favorite Christmas character fill your stockings this year. Whatever floats your sleigh!


Do you get super excited as soon as the calendar flips from November to December? Do your ears perk up as you approach the grocery store and hear those fundraiser jingling bells? Does curling up in front of an open fire with a book and a blanket sound heavenly? There's no need to waste cozy holiday time browsing boring stores at the mall. Stay nice and toasty and browse our Christmas gift selection! Get a head start on your holiday shopping ideas while connecting with a holiday character pal you didn't even know you had!

Theresa Crozier
Theresa Crozier

Theresa is a social media and content specialist at, where she writes quizzes for the World Wide Web. Out of the office, Theresa enjoys listening to podcasts, watching horror movies. and going on outdoor adventures. Her ambitions include writing her very own creepy novel someday, so keep an eye out! Want to follow her moody social media? Check her out on Instagram @t_toofresh!
