Published on May 15, 2017

They’re Good Logs: The Most Famous Logs of All [Infographic]

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They’re Good Logs: The Most Famous Logs of All

Twin Peaks is coming back to television, and so many wonderful memories are coming along with it. Wacky, weird, whimsical memories. We were joking about the Log Lady around the office and that branched out to Ren & Stimpy’s “The Log Song”, and then a whole discussion about logs ensued. What can we say? It’s a strange place. So we made this definitive infographic about our favorite logs, from the Lincoln Logs that some of us played with as children to the Yule Log that some of us still watch around the Holidays. Because everyone needs a log, right? After all, they’re good logs, Brent. So many bad log jokes on the “b-log” today, sorry. Anyways, we hope you get a laugh out of it, too!

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They’re Good Logs: The Most Famous Logs of All


Famous Logs Transcript

Log Lady

(Twin Peaks, 1990-1991)

The Log Lady is a character on the television series Twin Peaks (1990-1991) and the prequel film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992). She carries a psychic log that delivers cryptic messages through clairvoyant visions. The Log Lady was played by Catherine E. Coulson, who died in 2015 after filming some scenes for the revival television series.



(Ren & Stimpy, 1991-1995)

Log is a fake toy featured on The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991-1995). The toy had a catchy commercial jingle ("The Log Song"), parody spinoff products ("High-Fashion Log for Girls" and "Dream Date Log"), and was referenced several times within the series. "It's better than bad, it's good!"



(Angry Beavers, 1997-2001)

Stump is a character on the cartoon Angry Beavers. He is an elm tree stump who befriends Norbert and Daggett. Stumps technically aren't logs, but he moves around on his own and drives a pick-up truck, so he's more log than stump at this point.


Lincoln Logs

(John Lloyd Wright, 1916-1917)

Lincoln Logs are a wooden building toy invented in the late 1910s by John Lloyd Wright, a son of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Each log has notches which allow them to link together and form structures, similar to traditional log cabins but with a lot less work. Lincoln Logs were inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 1999.


Yule Log

(A Yuletide Tradition)

The Yule Log is a log traditionally burned at Christmas. Also known as a "Yule clog" or a "Christmas block", the log is often chosen specifically for the occasion. In modern times, videos of burning Yule logs can be watched on television or online streaming services by very boring people.


Log Flume

(Early 20th Century)

A log flume or log ride is a water ride often found at amusement parks. Riders sit in a hollowed artificial log that moves through a trough of water (the "flume") and descends into a pool. Staged ride photos are a thing on the internet, because people are awesome.



(Late 19th Century)

A logbook is a written record or history. Originally used in the late 17th century to document a ship's journey, the term came to be applied to travel journals in general, as well as records of activities, attendance, and maintenance. In popular culture, the Captain's Log is frequently mentioned in the Star Trek franchise.



(John Napier, 1614-1619)

Logarithms are inverse operations to exponents in mathematics, often simply called "logs". Unlike some mathematical operations, logs are found everywhere in the real world: musical scales (intervals), perceived loudness (decibels), and even the shapes of nautilus shells and Romanesco broccoli. There are also logarithmic trees, but they're made of math, not wood.


Kermit's Swamp Log

(The Muppet Movie, 1979)

In The Muppet Movie, Kermit the Frog sings the song "Rainbow Connection" while strumming his banjo in a Florida swamp. Kermit was originally going to be sitting on a lily pad—as frogs do—but this was changed to a log during production. Puppeteer and Kermit voice Jim Henson found that it was easier to position Kermit and hide underneath the log.


Kenny Loggins

(Loggin' Since '48)

Kenneth "Kenny" Loggins is a songwriter best known for his appearances on soundtracks, including "Footloose" from Footloose in 1984 and "Danger Zone" from Top Gun in 1986. For years, he was called the "Soundtrack King", which should not be confused with "King Log" from one of Aesop's Fables, which was really just an ordinary non-famous log and not a king.


Sources: Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikia, Online Etymology Dictionary, American Broadcasting Company, DisneyScreenCaps, Getty Images, Incredible Art Department, Virtual Fireplace


How did we do? Did you learn anything about logs? Or math? Or wood math? (We just made that up.) Did we miss any of your favorite logs? Then tell us all about it in the comments below. Also check out our Twin Peaks Pop Vinyl figures, they're creepy and weird, just like the show!

Design Credit: Travis Green

Wyatt Edwards
Wyatt Edwards

Wyatt Edwards is the Internet Wizard at, where he is lead editor and writes about superheroes and pop culture. He is an avid toy collector and a yearly judge for The Poppies, an industry pop culture collectible award.

What’s fun for Wyatt? Playing Dungeons & Dragons, making wild guitar noises, and buying ridiculous toys that might look good on a shelf someday. He seriously has way too many hobbies. You can find him on BlueSky
